NEWS - Please read

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News and Information

Poolside - Being on Time

All swimmers must be poolside ready to start training at the beginning of the session. We have regular late offenders - either wasting time in the changing room or just late. Be warned... coaches may ask you to leave if you are late without very good reason.

Open Galas

These are a different type of gala, where swimmers can choose the races they would like to enter themselves; but they can only enter if they have the qualifying times set by the organisers – more about these in the coming months…………….

Attendance records / signing in

The coaches, or Trudi and Denise will now sign swimmers in at swim sessions.


As many of you will be aware, Chelsea Hull has recently left us and in the interim, her sister, Victoria will coach for WDSC. Victoria is a Level 1 qualified coach with coaching experience.

Looking after your kit

Last year a lot of swimmers were leaving / losing kit at sessions. We cannot be responsible for lost kit – make sure it’s labeled and taken home. On a Thursday evening another swim club uses Wimbledon College after us, so it is especially difficult to track lost kit down.